"Sing, O barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman that of her who has a husband.
Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in the their desolate cities.
Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated....
All your sons will be taught by the Lord and great will be your children's peace."
Isaiah 54:1-17

Monday, October 10, 2011

October Update

Hi again!

Well Praise the LORD!!! Our adoption has been completely funded now. We are so grateful to see what God has done, and we are humbled by the way he has provided.  It has been an exciting journey and has built our faith. We are now "78" on the unofficial list, so it looks as if it could be a year and a half possibly before we'd receive a referral for a sibling group.  But we're in it for the long haul!

Our son, Ben, celebrates getting his cast off tomorrow (he broke his arm on Labor Day), and his 4th Birthday on Thursday!  Much to celebrate this week!

We hope you are having a blessed fall.  We'll keep the updates coming!  :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August Update!

Hi Family & Friends!

We are so thankful to have you along with us on this journey of adoption.  It takes so much patience and it's wonderful to not be alone in the process.  We are moving right along on the waiting list... at about the pace of an overweight turtle.  :)  But we're doing great, and we knew it would be a long haul.

As you can see, our thermometer has moved up significantly!  We have received a large grant from the Steven Curtis Chapman foundation called "Show Hope" as well as a few generous gifts from family and friends!  So thank you so much for your support and help in this process!

Gratefully, our adoption is almost fully funded.  Our thermometer now includes receiving a sibling group, in which it's $11,000 more dollars, but worth every penny.  We're really hoping that God will bless us with two (or three!).  And if God has in mind for us one child, we are completely funded!  Praise the Lord!

We hope your summer has been blessed as you spend time with family and friends, and gear up for the fall... Bart's favorite time of year... Hunting season!  :)

Love in Christ,

The Orth's

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

“Our Adoption Journey Thus Far…”

Well, Bart and I are not the most tech savvy people you've ever met, so that may explain why it has taken six months since we began our adoption journey to get a blog up and rolling!  But I am excited, this is so much fun!  :)

We are blessed to be in the process of adopting one, two, or six... just kidding... children from Ethiopia.  What an exciting roller-coaster to be on.  As many of you have heard of other's testimonies of adoption, it is rare that it comes smooth and without it's up's and downs.  

There was an opportunity to hit our first big turbulence last month, mind you, on our anniversary.  Why they didn't take that into consideration is beyond me.  The email came and was quite a surprise to us, as Ethiopia has become a very well established country to adopt from.  The news was that they are reducing the number of orphans they are processing in courts from 50 per day to 5 per day.  That significant decrease could result in an additional year of waiting!

We are in prayer that God will uphold His children and bring them into homes that love them and care for them, regardless of what it looks like on paper.  We know God is in charge in all of this, but would love your support in prayer that He would protect these precious young ones, and that Ethiopia would find a way to allow more to be processed.  

So… to bring you up to speed on our adoption journey this far, we have felt called for many years to adopt, but we were waiting for the right time.  In October 2010, we felt the clear call of God to begin the process.  After much research and prayer, we chose America World Adoption Agency, and we are so glad we did. They have been amazing and are there to answer our every question.  

Last week, after nearly 3 months of waiting... we finally received the approval from the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) and sent off our Dossier (all of our paperwork and homestudy) to Ethiopia!  That is a big step because now we are officially on the waiting list for our children.  Currently, we are planning to commit to waiting for a sibling group of either gender between the ages of 0-3.  The wait for a sibling group is unknown, but we are expecting 8-12 months, maybe more. (And down the road, we have the freedom to request a boy or girl if the wait gets too long).  

I am not so good at waiting for much of anything, but thankfully God knew that about me and gave me a wonderful, sensible, patient (very patient), husband!  So on to the waiting!  

Thank you for being apart of our lives and our journey.  We love the support and the friendships we have from each of you and are blessed to be apart of your lives as well.

May God bless your day,

Bart, Heather, & Benji

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A little back drop...

When Bart & I met, and began dating, one thing that was real important to me was to find a man who had a passion for orphans.  I had the opportunity to travel the Cameroon, Africa and to Ethiopia, Africa and found that I was totally in love with Africa, and the burden I felt for the orphans was unbearable.  In fact, if I wasn't to marry, I thought maybe my call on life was to be a missionary in Africa at an orphanage.  I knew when I first heard about Bart and began pleading for God to give him to me as my husband, that there was a good chance he'd have a heart to adopt as well!  He had been heavily involved in missions to Kenya.  And so not to my surprise, he was totally on board with this mind set, and we hoped this would be a part of our future together.  

The time line was never so clear to us, and we've tried to be surrendered to God's plan along the way.  As we prayed about children and adopting, we felt the Lord leading us to have a biological child first.  So we complied, and got some health insurance lined up, and believe it or not, the very next month I was pregnant!  Who knew it would be that easy! :)

As most of you know, at that point, we hit major turbulence.  In July of 2007, I was diagnosed with Leukemia and was 14 weeks pregnant. We were heart broken, and cried out to God, and then remembered the ROCK we were standing on.  One of the verses He spoke to us only a few days after I was diagnosed was Psalm 30:1-3:

"I will exalt you, O Lord, for you lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me.  O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.  O Lord, you brought me up from the grave; you spared me from going down into the pit."

The Lord led us to a wonderful doctor at Swedish Hospital in Seattle and there we lived for the next 3 months.  That is also where our miracle baby boy, Benji (as he likes to call himself) was born at 2 lbs, 7.9 ounces.  He (and I) (and Bart for that matter!) lived at Swedish Hospital for the next three months.   God gave us strength and comfort during that season of life, and on New Years Eve, of 2007, we moved home to Spokane with our Benji!  We thank our Lord for the love and care He gave us through many loving people in Seattle, and for how He met our every need.  I believe with all my heart that this journey with Him has set us up for a future to trust Him at every turn.  And we say this often, we'd never want to go through that again, but we wouldn't trade it for the world.  

I have now been in remission for 3 1/2 years, and Praise God for every new day.  It's a blessing to have this life, a wonderful husband, and sweet and precious son, and more and more I realize what a blessing it is to be a daughter of God.  We believe there have been several promises from God that He has given to us regarding healing and a long life.  And I'll take it.  I know I have a lot of work left to do in my own life, with our family, and for His Kingdom.  So believe God I will!  

However, just a week ago, God gave me a great revelation (through my husband) about releasing the fear that I carry almost everywhere like a two ton truck hooked on to my ankle.  Bart lovingly helped me realize how the fear that gripped me was caused by not surrendering death over to God.  How scary it's been for me to think about leaving this earth and a family I love so dearly.  Yet I am so thankful for the way God used Bart's words help me surrender even death over to Him.  I have been able to find the peace I've been longing for, by not holding on and trying to control God.  There is such a freedom in releasing our lives to Him!  

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.  You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.  For in just a very little while, 'He who is coming will come and will not delay.  But my righteous one will live by faith.  And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him. 'But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who believe and are saved." ~ Hebrews 10:35-39

We are now six months into the adoption process with the hopes of adopting either a young sibling group or a young boy or girl from Ethiopia.  We would covet your prayers for God's guidance and God's will to be done in our family. 

Well, there you have it, a tid-bit-long back drop of our story and how we wound up here adopting from Ethiopia!